

Juan Ruiz de Alarcón (1581?-1639)

Aumento de la próspera fortuna y alivio en la infeliz; maestra llave que con un natural secreto sabe dos voluntades encerrar en una; del humano gobierno la coluna; ancla segura de la incierta nave de la vita mortal: fuero suave que en paz mantiene cuanto ve la luna es la santa amistad, virtud divina que no dilata el premio de tenella, pues ella misma es de si misma el fruto; a quien naturaleza tanto inclina que al hombre que vivir sabe sin ella sabe avisar el animal más bruto.
Makes good times better; remedy When times are hard; a master-key That works the trick, knows how it’s done, Clasps two strong wills and makes them one; Backbone of human conduct; sure Anchor of this life’s insecure Ship; the mild law that keeps the peace For everything the bright moon sees: Friendship, pure goodness, heaven-sent: To have it is an instant gain, Because it is its own self’s fruit; It’s Mother Nature’s natural bent; And those without it can obtain Advice from some four-footed brute.

Translation: Copyright © Timothy Adès

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